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MorningStar Education Challenge

February 2nd, 2007 at 03:52 am

Inspired by Broken Arrow!

(BA, if you are reading this, here is to you mate!)

I've decided to start the free MorningStar self-education program to earn some credits and as well as to educate myself about stocks, funds, and other investment techniques.

I like the quiz section of each chapter.

The goal is to hit 790 Credits by the end of March. I figured that will give me what...8 weeks or so to study on my own. If I can complete 4 section a day, I could earn 12 credits.

And let's do the math (i like this part)

16 credits x 5 days a week x 8 weeks = 640.

That's not 790, but I figured it is the progress that matters. And setting small goals are better than setting one giant one that i'll never reach.

Well, off I go to hit the books!

End of Month Review

February 2nd, 2007 at 02:40 am

Wow, so January is finally over. I am glad. For some odd reason, January felt really long to me.

I did meet my saving goal for this month. I saved approximately 50% of my monthly salary, if not, a bit more.

I also managed to take a small 5-day vacation with the rest of the money. My trip to KyuShu (the southern island of Japan where Fukuoka Prefecture, Nagasaki prefecture, Oita Prefecture, Miyasaki Prefecture and Kumamoto Prefecture are located.

I could have missed a few other smaller prefectures, but that's not the point.

The point is that I managed to have a wonderful vacation without breaking my bank. My total was around $400 for 5 days.

This included $240 for the plane tickets, and play money. hehehe.

Next month, I plan to go to Hokkaido for a trip around $400 as well. See if I can make the numbers work.


Exercise update.

I failed completely here. hahahaha. I guess when it comes to money, I am just better at it than I am when it comes to exercising. can be so frustrating.

I am about 110 lbs, but I have 27% bodyfat. I'd like to go back to having 23% bodyfat or less. But certainly not under 20%.

Charity - I did it!

January 12th, 2007 at 04:01 am

So earlier this year I said I would donate some money every month to a charity organization for my cause.

Well, I did. I did my donation in a lump sum value too, rather than monthly payments.

I figured, might as well start now and get it over with. It wasn't a lot of money, just $50. But I hope that helps.

This year I donated to a centre for Battered Women, and domestic abuse.

Next year, I will donate my money to Gay & Lesbian Youth Support agencies.

The year after that, Heart and Stoke Fundation.

Wow...good to know that my charity plan is all done and taken care of. Yay!

Good to learn that I am also true to my own words!! hehehehe

Not sure about $20 Challenge

January 3rd, 2007 at 01:34 am

Okay, so it is 2007 and I've been on this blog for almost 3 months. I've seem many people post under the $20 Challenge Category and I've read what Jeff said about the rules and what not.

But I am still confused as to how to use this category and what to put in it.

I guess it all depends on me. So I am going to make my $20 Challenge to saving money by using coupons and basically stretching my money in creative ways.

Just like the Fukubukuro (Lucky bag or Grab bag entry I've made yesterday), I guess I saved a lot of money. So, I am going to place that in there.

Also, at the end of every month, if I hit my budget of spending and saving goals, then I will add another $20 to the challenge.

If I completed 3 hours of exercise per week without using money by excercising at home with my dumbbells or go for a run outside, I will add another $20 dollars to my challenge box.

To summarize:

add $20 when
1) I use coupons or creative ways to stretch my money.
2) When I hit my budget goals at the end of each month.
3) When I exercise for more than 3 hours a week without incurring extra costs.

Charity - My New Year's Resolution

December 30th, 2006 at 06:24 am

It is Dec. 30th here today in Tokyo. I am sitting at home peacefully on a beautiful sunny afternoon.

I just had three wonderful days off work and I saw some old friends. We had great conversations and some good times.

Then I realized that this is what life is all about. It is about spending more time with people you love and doing the things you love.

I am very fortunate to have had a wonderful year. I thank my partner for her support and her love. In fact, I think I'll write her a letter later today before she comes home from work and make her a special meal.

I also realized that I haven't given much thoughts to charity. I've been saving and I've managed my money quite well this year, but I didn't give anything back in return.

So I've decided to give away $5 a month for the entire year of 2007.

$5? Maybe some people will laugh at the small amount of contribution I've decided to make, adds up. It would be $60 by the end of the year.

This still may not sound like much, but at least I am trying. I also want to increase that amount next year in 2008.

My plan? I'll drop it into a box when nobody's looking. And I will do so around Tokyo each month. From disabled charity funds to rain forests, etc. I vow to help and take no credits.

Since this entire blog of mine is anonymous anyway, I thought I make an entry more for myself as a self-binding contract.

Having saving and giving!

Off Topic: Diet help

December 18th, 2006 at 02:37 pm

Hi all, this is completely off topic in terms of finance, but...

I am addicted to sugar!! Or so I think I am. I can't help myself. Everything I get cravings for sweet things and I am so afraid of becoming excessively overweight.

Over the past two years, I've lost a great deal of muscles and I probably have about 25% bodyfat as of now.

I eat large meals three times a day, and I snack in between as well.

Help!!! What can I do? I don't exercise as much as I used to anymore, but I do try to walk for at least an hour each week (usually on my weekends).

I think I could somehow cut down on my junk food budget, but I can't seem to have enough will power to say no!!, xmas will be here soon....more Japan we have a lot of chocolate xmas cakes...


Today is the day I celebrate for the end of Nov.

November 29th, 2006 at 01:29 am

I know, I know, we still have 2 more days left to go for Nov. But being here in Japan means that I am actually living a day ahead.

As I am typing this entry, it is around 10am on Nov. 29th. Just today and tomorrow until I close my budget for the month.

Hence, the good news!!

1. My total expenditure for Nov. will be under $1000!! This includes personal taxes, rent, food, parties, bills, insurance, eat-outs, all in all!! EVERYTHING!!

2. Compare my net expense to my net income, I have saved 60% of my salary this month!! wooohooooooooooooooooooooooo

3. Not to mention that I do rent my own place, and live in one of the most expensive cities in the world - TOKYO, JAPAN.

4. I have even managed to buy two small presents for myself this month, a really interesting book about life, and a colorful budget book for year 2007 with cute stickers and designs.

5. As for my $10/day daily budget? I did it! On some days I spent more than I had to, but on some days I saved a bunch. In fact, I still have a total of $30 dollars left to spend for today and tomorrow and still remain just under the grand $1000 expense for the month.

I can't say how happy and confident I feel to take control over my finances. I think my self-confidence has increased simply because I was able to walk the talk.

It is an amazing feeling, and a strong one too, being able to feel the sense of purpose and direction in life.

Well, new goals for Dec:

I've already drafted my budget, and I will also continue to read/listen to some books/audio books.

1. 7 habits of highly effective people
2. the millionaire mind - Thomas Stanley.
3. 21 secrets of self-made millionaire by Brian Tracy.

Happy saving everyone!!! I hope this will encourage some of you, and I did it because of all you guys here!! I come to this site, and I read, and I am more aware of my finances than ever before!!

To all of you! Thank you!


October 31st, 2006 at 01:10 am

Hello Everyone,

Let me introduce myself. I am a lez and I currently live in Tokyo, Japan. I am 24 years old and I hope to save enough money for a down payment on a house in USA.

For all you kind people out there, I would like to hear some advice and encouragements on how I can reach my goal.

I currently have zero debt, and a positive networth of $15,000. I try to save at least 40% of my monthly income but it can be extremely tough since I live in Tokyo. Tokyo is very expensive.

I cook a lot, so any cooking tips or frugal shopping tips would be much appreciated.

I am always hoping to learn more about owning a house and about creative spendings and savings.

I hope to buy a house in 2008 and I want to rent out a room or so as mortgage helpers.

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my blog, I am looking forward to hear from you!!

Real blog, real people, real financial dreams!! Go team go!!